Seed Bowl
A perfect way to start your day.
Ready In:
10-15 minutes
13.6 grams
Good For:
About this Recipe
By: Natural Seed Co.
Eating a tasty, nutritious breakfast is a great way to kick-start your day. This recipe is wonderfully flexible so feel free to experiment and tailor this recipe to make it your own!
We stongly recommend you hydrating your seeds before consumption. If your mix is too thick or gelatenous for your liking simply add more liquid until it reaches a desired consistency.

- 3 rounded dessertspoons of Natural Fibre seeds
- 1.5 cups warm water
- Natural or flavoured yoghurt
- Seasonal fruit, such as strawberries, blueberries, mango
- Dried fruit and coconut (optional)
- Raw nuts (optional)
This seed blend may be prepared and left overnight for an easy-to-assemble breakfast on the go.
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Mix Natural Fibre seeds with water. Leave to hydrate for 30 minutes to an hour.
Step 2
Add your choice of fruits, yoghurt and nuts.
Made on Instagram

The nutrition information for this recipe has been calculated using 35 grams of Natural Fibre seeds, 2 tablespoons of natural yoghurt and 1 cup of blueberries and raspberries (photographed right).
Please note, this information has been provided as a guide only. Variations to the recipe will alter the nutrition values.

People Who’ve Made This
“This seed bowl is my go-to breakfast and has quickly become part of my morning routine. I enjoy adding a splash of milk with my yoghurt to create a nice creamy consistency.”
“Natural Fibre has seriously changed my bowel movements for the better!”